Photographs by Robert Lee Haycock

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Climb up on the Moon? Of course we did.

...and immediately I would feel ladder and boat drifting away from below me, and the motion of the Moon would tear me from the Earth's attraction.  Yes, the Moon was so strong that she pulled you up;  you realized this the moment you passed from one to the other:  you had to swing up abruptly, with a kind of somersault, grabbing the scales,throwing your legs over your head, until your feet were on the Moon's surface.  Seen from the Earth, you looked as if you were hanging there with your head down, but for you, it was the normal position, and the only odd thing was that when you raised you eyes you saw the sea above you, glistening, with the boat and the others upside down, hanging like a bunch of grapes from the vine.
The Distance of the Moon
Italo Calvino